Psychological Assessment- 2025 Spring

Welcome to the online psychological assessments for all students!

The whole assessment will take about 20 minutes to complete. Please read each instruction carefully and choose answers that best describe your condition. There’s no right or wrong answer.
Assessment results are treated with strict confidential, and only counselors from Student Counseling Center have access to them. If your results indicate you may be experiencing symptoms of a mental illness, our counselors might arrange a meeting with you.
Psychological assessment data and reports may be used for research or analysis/statistical purposes after removing personal identifying characteristics.
1. Name:
2. Date of Birth (YYYYMMDD):
3. Gender:
4. Nationality:
5. Student ID(8-digit):
6. Email Address

For each item below, please check the column which best describes how often you felt or behaved this way during the past week.
7. I feel more nervous and anxious than usual.
8. I feel afraid for no reason at all.
9. I get upset easily or feel panicky.
10. I feel like I’m falling apart and going to pieces.
11. I feel that everything is all right and nothing bad will happen.
12. My arms and legs shake and tremble.
13. I am bothered by headaches neck and back pain.
14. I feel weak and get tired easily.
15. I feel calm and can sit still easily.
16. I can feel my heart beating fast.
17. I am bothered by dizzy spells.
18. I have fainting spells or feel like it.
19. I can breathe in and out easily.
20. I get numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes.
21. I am bothered by stomach aches or indigestion.
22. I have to empty my bladder often.
23. My hands are usually dry and warm.
24. My face gets hot and blushes.
25. I fall asleep easily and get a good night’s rest.
26. I have nightmares.

On this questionnaire are groups of statements. Please read all the statements in a given group.

Then pick out at one statement in each group which describes you best in terms of this past week.
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Below is a list of problems and complaints that people sometimes have. Please read each one carefully.
After you have done so, select the one which best describes how much that problem has bothered or distressed you during the past week, including today.

48. Headaches
49. Nervousness or shakiness inside
50. Unwanted thoughts, words, or ideas that won’t leave your mind
51. Faintness or dizziness
52. Loss of sexual interest or pleasure
53. Feeling critical of others
54. The idea that someone else can control your thoughts
55. Feeling others are to blame for most of your troubles
56. Trouble remembering things
57. Worried about sloppiness or carelessness
58. Feeling easily annoyed or irritated
59. Pains in heart or chest
60. Feeling afraid in open spaces or on the streets
61. Feeling low in energy or slowed down
62. Thoughts of ending your life
63. Hearing voices that other people do not hear
64. Trembling
65. Feeling that most people cannot be trusted
66. Poor appetite
67. Crying easily
68. Feeling shy or uneasy with the opposite sex
69. Feeling of being trapped or caught
70. Suddenly scared for no reason
71. Temper outbursts that you could not control
72. Feeling afraid to go out of your house alone
73. Blaming yourself for things
74. Pains in lower back
75. Feeling blocked in getting things done
76. Feeling lonely
77. Feeling blue
78. Worrying too much about things
79. Feeling no interest in things
80. Feeling fearful
81. Your feelings being easily hurt
82. Other people being aware of your private thoughts
83. Feeling others do not understand you or are unsympathetic
84. Feeling that people are unfriendly or dislike you
85. Having to do things very slowly to insure correctness
86. Heart pounding or racing
87. Nausea or upset stomach
88. Feeling inferior to others
89. Soreness of your muscles
90. Feeling that you are watched or talked about by others
91. Trouble falling asleep
92. Having to check and double-check what you do
93. Difficulty making decisions
94. Feeling afraid to travel on buses, subways, trains
95. Trouble getting your breath
96. Hot or cold spells
97. Having to avoid certain things, places, or activities because they frighten you
98. Your mind going blank
99. Numbness or tingling in parts of your body
100. A lump in your throat
101. Feeling hopeless about the future
102. Trouble concentrating
103. Feeling weak in parts of your body
104. Feeling tense or keyed up
105. Heavy feelings in your arms or legs
106. Thoughts of death or dying
107. Overeating
108. Feeling uneasy when people are watching or talking about you
109. Having thoughts that are not your own
110. Having urges to beat, injure, or harm someone
111. Awakening in the early morning
112. Having to repeat the same actions such as touching, counting, washing
113. Sleep that is restless or disturbed
114. Having urges to break or smash things
115. Having ideas or beliefs that others do not share
116. Feeling very self-conscious with others
117. Feeling uneasy in crowds, such as shopping or at a movie
118. Feeling everything is an effort
119. Spells of terror or panic
120. Feeling uncomfortable about eating or drinking in public
121. Getting into frequent arguments
122. Feeling nervous when you are left alone
123. Others not giving you proper credit for your achievements
124. Feeling lonely even when you are with people
125. Feeling so restless you couldn’t sit still
126. Feelings of worthlessness
127. Feeling that familiar things are strange or unreal
128. Shouting or throwing things
129. Feeling afraid you will faint in public
130. Feeling that people will take advantage of you if you let them
131. Having thoughts about sex that bother you a lot
132. The idea that you should be punished for your sins
133. Feeling pushed to get things done
134. The idea that something serious is wrong with your body
135. Never feeling close to another person
136. Feelings of guilt
137. The idea that something is wrong with your mind
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